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    3. Hawthorn Primary is awarded the Doncaster Domestic Abuse Charter Mark

    Hawthorn Primary is awarded the Doncaster Domestic Abuse Charter Mark

    16 April 2024 (by Graham Rhodes (GRhodes))

    The Doncaster domestic abuse partnership has agreed a multi-agency Domestic Abuse Charter outlining five standards that partner agencies should aim to achieve in order to effectively respond to families affected by domestic abuse.

    Doncaster Domestic Abuse Charter

    The Doncaster domestic abuse partnership has agreed a multi-agency Domestic Abuse Charter outlining five standards that partner agencies should aim to achieve in order to effectively respond to victims, perpetrators and families affected by domestic abuse.

    Hawthorn Primary School has been awarded the Charter Mark




    Domestic abuse material is displayed by the business/organisation/department that is relevant to all local communities


    There is an effective domestic abuse policy/protocol or guidance in place detailing how the organisation/department will respond to clients/customers that are experiencing domestic abuse


    That staff who require domestic abuse training have been identified and the level of training required assessed and that all identified staff have completed the training to the required level


    The agency has an employee policy/procedure for employees experiencing or perpetrating domestic abuse.


    There is at least one domestic abuse champion within the organisation/department who ensures that they keep up to date with the latest resources, referral pathways, policies and procedures and implement improvements in service delivery as necessary.